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[Shiseido] Market Researcher

  • B&K 
시세이도 로고 shiseido logo
포스팅 일자: 2024-7-24(수)
근무 형태: 하이브리드 (출근 / 원격 근무)
경력: 3년 이상 대리급
회사 유형: 외국계
회사: Shiseido (시세이도)
MI 업계 유형: MI 조직
포스팅 출처: 링크드인

채용공고 설명

근무지 : HQ, Seoul
직급 : 3년 이상, 대리급

직무 소개

1.Data Collection and Analysis

· Utilize various research methods such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and extensive field research to gather data on consumer behavior, market trends, and competitor activities.
· Analyze the collected data to extract meaningful insights that can inform product development and marketing strategies.
· Description: The Market Researcher is primarily responsible for collecting and analyzing primary and secondary data, including hands-on field research, to gain a clear understanding of the current market landscape. This helps refine the company’s product and marketing strategies.

2.Report Writing and Presentation

· Compile detailed reports based on research findings and present them to management and relevant departments.
· Use data visualization techniques to ensure the information is easily understandable.
· Description: After analyzing the data, the Market Researcher is tasked with creating comprehensive reports and presentations to communicate findings effectively, supporting management in making data-driven decisions

3.Market Research Project Management

· Plan and manage market research projects, including scheduling and budgeting, as well as coordinating with external research agencies.
· Oversee all project phases to ensure smooth execution.
· Description: Effective project management is crucial for the role. The Market Researcher ensures that research projects are executed on time and within budget, coordinating with external partners as necessary.
· Budget and Payment Management
· Manage the budget for market research activities, including processing payments to external research agencies and vendors.
· Ensure all financial transactions are completed accurately and in a timely manner.
· Description: In addition to traditional market research duties, the Market Researcher is responsible for handling the financial aspects of research projects. This includes managing budgets and processing payments, ensuring efficient use of resources and timely transactions.

4.Competitive Analysis

· Conduct thorough analysis of competitors’ products, pricing, and marketing strategies.
· Provide insights and recommendations to help the company maintain a competitive edge.
· Description: The Market Researcher continuously monitors competitor activities to identify opportunities and threats, supporting the strategic planning process with relevant competitive intelligence.

5.Trend Analysis

· Stay updated with market trends to identify new opportunities for the company.
· Use trend analysis to inform product development and marketing initiatives.
· Description: The Market Researcher tracks and analyzes market trends to uncover new business opportunities, ensuring the company stays ahead in the market.

6.Enhanced Field Research

· Conduct extensive field research to gather firsthand data on market conditions and consumer preferences.
· Engage with customers directly to understand their needs and behaviors better.

지원 자격

· Bachelor’s degree
· 3+ years of experience in market research / consumer insights
· Experience in managing both quantitative and qualitative research is a plus.
· Deep understanding of consumer behavior, competitor activities, and market trends is preferred.
· Strong written and verbal communication skills for reporting and presenting research findings.
· Familiarity with data analysis tools and programming languages like Python or R.
· Excellent English verbal and written communication skills.

참고 사항

1. 탄력 근무제 : 4가지 출퇴근 Type 중 자율적으로 선택하여 출퇴근 가능
2. FAWSDAY 운영 : 격주마다 금요일 3시간 조기 퇴근
3. 스마트 러닝 : PC 또는 모바일 통하여 원하는 과정 연간 무제한 학습 가능
4. 자기계발비 : 연간 600,000원 복지 포인트 지원(근속년수 3년 이상자는 연간 800,000원으로 지원 확대)
5. 자녀학자금 : 지정 최대 2인까지 고등학교 ~ 대학교 학자금 지원
6. 어린이날 축하금 : 생후 ~ 초등학교 6학년까지 자녀수 제한없이 인당 5만원의 복지 포인트 지급
7. Free Goods : 연간 2회(상/하반기) 본사 제품SET 지급 및 연간4회 분기별 40만원 상당의 본사 제품 신청
8. Wedding Gift : 최대 80만원까지 자사 제품 신청 가능
9. 자사 제품 할인 : 연간 4회 자사 제품 직원가로 구입 가능
10. 사내 카페 : 저렴한 가격에 각종 음료 및 스낵 이용 가능
11. Hybrid Workstyle : 주2회까지 자택에서 근무가능(직무별 재택근무 적용 기준 상이)
12. 인사 이동 기회 : 타 부서 및 본사로 인사이동 기회

참고할만한 컨텐츠 💡

Shiseido Market Researcher 채용 공고

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